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Me and the menopause

I wasn’t worried about hitting 50. I had a job I loved, a great relationship and adult children I couldn’t have been prouder of. And I had dreams – lots of dreams that I was going to change into reality. Then the menopause symptoms crept in…

I lost my mojo, I had self-doubt, anxiety and my dreams seemed out of reach. The resentment crept in. I was angry that the person I knew, the person I believed in was slipping through my fingers. I fought every symptom, I tried everything I knew to keep going, keep smiling.

Gradually the realisation dawned on me that fighting wasn’t working and I needed to find a new way to deal with all these changes  So I changed the habit of a life time. I stopped.  rather than keeping going. I gave my head space to think. I allowed myself to feel vulnerable. Non of which is comfortable, but in doing this I have started to re-discover who I am which is surprisingly who I always was and I can still make my dreams a reality .

When I stopped resenting the menopause and accepted it I started to embrace a new road of discovery.

Hazel, Operational Manager

To read Hazel’s previous blog on the menopause click here