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Drug & Alcohol Awareness

Start Date: 24th January 25
Location: Leeds LS8
Price: £99

TIME: 9:30 – 16:30

AIM: To increase participant’s knowledge and understanding of alcohol and substance misuse

At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Be aware of the current legal framework and trends in drug and alcohol use
  • Identified different categories of psychoactive substances
  • Understand the physical and psychological effects of drugs and alcohol use
  • Understand the cycle of change + treatment goals for substance misuse
  • Considered a range of brief interventions to support problematic drug and alcohol use

This is an introductory one-day drug and alcohol use awareness course which is aimed at those who come into contact with people who have difficulties around drug and alcohol use. Participants will learn some basic information about how drugs and alcohol work and affect the body and mind. There will be an opportunity to discuss issues surrounding behaviour change as well as look at relevant legal information. By the end of the training participants will feel more confident in discussing these issues with clients and be able to make more appropriate referrals to specialist services.

Please complete this Microsoft Form to apply for a place on our training session.

You will be notified 2 weeks in advance of the course if you have a place and will be sent the pre-course information and invoice at this stage.

Your details
Your address

Please Note that by submitting this form you are committing to go to the training applied for. Community Links will contact you after form submission with more details.