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Conflict Resolution and Breakaway Techniques

Start Date: 9th December 24
End Date: 9th December 24
Location: Leeds LS8
Price: £99

TIME: 13:30 – 16:30

At the end of the course participants will:

  • Understand employers and employee responsibility as per the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Know how to understand anger, triggers and inhibitors
  • Know barriers to communication, signs of aggression and escalation
  • The law relating to the use of force: Criminal Law Act 1967, Common Law
  • How to diffuse aggression and incident reporting

This course including breakaway looks at how to diffuse violence and aggression at the workplace. This course has a practical approach and looks at how to deal with punching, wrist grabbing, biting, pinching and strangling. At all stages of the course trainers seek to maximise learning through using differing teaching methods and student involvement in discussion and group exercises.

Please complete this Microsoft Form to apply for a place on our training session.

You will be notified 2 weeks in advance of the course if you have a place and will be sent the pre-course information and invoice at this stage.


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Please Note that by submitting this form you are committing to go to the training applied for. Community Links will contact you after form submission with more details.