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Poplar House
St Marys Hospital
Green Hill Road

LS12 3QE

Sharan Kaur- Service Manager

For referral or support queries, other than for the Housing and Resettlement intervention, please speak to your probation worker or call the Discovery Admin Team on: 0113 8557950.

About the service:

Discovery is part of the Community Links Specialist Trauma Informed Resettlement Services (STIRS).

Discovery is a partnership between LYPFT and probation services in Yorkshire and the Humber and is part of the nationwide Intensive Intervention and Risk Management Service (IIRMS). Community Links has housing and resettlement caseworkers embedded in LYPFT, who offer specialised housing support to high risk clients with complex needs and offending histories.

The caseworkers work within a psychologically-informed framework to support male and female offenders, many of whom have experienced significant trauma and have attracted diagnoses of personality disorder as a result, to broker suitable housing placements and to resettle clients.

Many of the clients have served significant prison sentences or are detained under Indeterminate Public Protection (IPP) sentences, so pathways for these clients into the community can be challenging. The caseworker supports housing providers to appreciate a client’s formulation, to understand their needs and to work in a trauma-informed manner in order for these placements to be a success.  This work sits alongside specialist nursing, psychology and probation provision to reduce re-offending behaviour and supports successful re-integration into the community.


Referrals to the Housing and Resettlement Caseworker can be made through probationary Offender Managers, or the Discovery MDT.