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Accommodation Gateway

Accommodation Gateway

Unit 3
Northwest Business Park
Servia Hill


07739 660255


About the service

The Accommodation Gateway works with individuals being discharged from acute mental health wards (under 65s – working age adults), or those who are care coordinated under community based mental health teams in Leeds, to ensure they are moved to accommodation which best meets their needs in a timely and effective way.

Aims of the service

  • To prevent delayed discharges from mental health acute wards due to housing issues, and ensure people move on to the most appropriate accommodation in the community to best meet their needs. Our Accommodation Gateway Coordinators are embedded within the acute inpatient, forensic, and Rehab and Recovery services.
  • To prevent a breakdown in a client’s housing situation, which may lead to mental health relapse and subsequent hospital admission. Our Homeless Prevention Workers are embedded within the Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT), Aspire (Early Intervention in Psychosis), the Assertive Outreach Team (AOT), the Forensic Outreach Team (FOT), and the City Wide Intensive Support Service (CWISS).

Our Accommodation Gateway Coordinators and Homeless Prevention Workers act as a single point of contact to advise and liaise between clients, inpatient services, care coordinators and accommodation providers.

The service operates Monday – Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4:30pm


All clients must be under the care of mental health services in Leeds to receive housing support under Accommodation Gateway.

To make a ward referral, please contact:

  • Julie Smith (for Wards 1, 3, 4 and 5 at the Becklin Centre, and the Crisis Assessment Unit (CAU)).
    T: 07741 261722
    E: julie.smith@commlinks.co.uk
  • Barry Morton (for Ward 4 and 5 at The Newsam Centre, the Rehab and Recovery units at Asket House and Asket Croft and the Assertive Outreach Team (AOT))T: 07908 373238E: barry.morton@commlinks.co.uk

If your client is not in hospital but is under the care of the City Wide Intensive Support Service (CWISS), then please contact:

If your client is not in hospital, but is care coordinated by one of the Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) across Leeds, then please contact:

If your client is under Aspire, please contact:

If your client is under the Leeds Forensic services (Inpatient or Forensic Outreach Team) or the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), then please contact: